The Secret of Her Success
“I want what she has!” Kate exclaimed excitedly. “How do I get it?”
My new client was describing her company’s annual celebration where the top achievers were honored for their accomplishments.
The company’s top income earner for the year had just achieved colossal results and a ranking never before seen in the history of company’s 20 years!
When she crossed the stage to receive her award, she was asked,
“What’s the secret of your success?”
And this high-powered super star woman said simply, “Belief and focus!”
So, Kate, who was already wildly successful in the business – wondered, “How do I get my own belief and focus, and that of my team, to the level where we can also create such massive success?”
Kate wanted to know how to create her dreams. Her REALLY BIG DREAMS.
My favourite subject and a wonderful synchronicity. 🙂
Next week I am launching a new program called:
and it will answer the question that Kate was asking.
The Dream It. Write It. Live It. program includes a 21 day Dream Creation challenge where we will use the focusing power of writing to energize our dreams and bring them to life. The program includes 4 one hour webinar trainings to explain exactly how to use the law of attraction to create what you want as well as support from an interactive community and much more.
When you understand exactly how the law of attraction works with the power of belief and focus, and you tune into and follow your own internal business genius (aka your guidance system), then you too will be able to guide yourself confidently and powerfully to the life of your dreams.
Check out Dream It. Write It. Live It. and find out how you too can create your REALLY BIG DREAMS.
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Image Credits:
* Growing Business Graph by z576 /
* Woman Raising Her Arms High by tiplyashin 1211352 /
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