Return to Paradise – Bali
Sunday, May 24 to Monday, June 1, 2020

Nurture Body and Soul
in the astonishing natural beauty & rich culture of Bali
Relax into your own natural rhythm and return to Your Self

Return to Paradise – Mexico
Sunday, March 3 to Sunday, March 10, 2019

At the Rancho Encantado in Bacalar, Mexico
Relax into your own natural rhythm.

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Subscribe to my email list below to receive details of upcoming webinars/live workshops and to receive my FREE ebook.


Previous Webinars and Workshops:

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A dynamic 8 part webinar series with a fun and
simple game you can play for 21 days
to immediately and exponentially
increase your level of
happiness and prosperity.

 What S.B. Murphy, Bellingham, WA said:

“I signed up yesterday, got my manifestations journal yesterday, started my desire list yesterday… And today I have already manifested a whole new wardrobe! For Free!”

 Create Your VisionVision_2017


Write Your Dreams UP

And Let Them Happen NOW!

A Simple Writing Process
to Revel in the Life of Your Dreams
in 21 Days

 What Kelly Winkel said:

“I loved the Dream It, Write It, Live It! course and found Miriam’s teaching to be very encouraging.  It’s amazing when we allow ourselves to enjoy our dreams and even better once we see them written out!  I absolutely enjoyed the writing. I can’t believe how much joy and laughter comes from the processes. I’ve noticed that I sleep so much better, even deeper!  My mood is lighter, my relationships are better, my vibration is higher and my life is getting easier because of the tools I’ve learned from this course. Thank you Miriam for igniting these amazing ideas. I’m telling everyone about it.”

A dynamic 4 part webinar series with a fun and
simple game you can play for 21 days to be
happy and create your hearts desires.

One participant attracted $21,000:

Imagine my delight when I reached Day 21 of the Prosperity Game. As I was thinking how to spend those luscious dollars, a client emailed me to confirm a contract we had discussed. The contract amount: $21,000- and he wanted to be invoiced right away!! Exactly the same amount I was planning to spend. I can’t wait for day 100!! Thanks for creating the space for this great game.. XOX

~ Carollyne Conlinn, MBA, MPH, MCC
Canadian Coach of the Year

Dream It. Write It. Live It. Logo

Write Your Dreams UP

And Let Them Happen NOW!

A Simple Writing Process
to Unlock the Life of Your Dreams
in 21 Days

One participant attracted USD $12,000 in just 10 days:

“I halved my personal debt from USD25,000 to USD12,500 by day 10. By day 21, I had secured work for a further USD 24,200 for the next 90 days from two additional income sources. My aim starting out with Miriam was to absolve my debt, have them all clear before Christmas Day this year. I will have achieved that and put some cash into savings too. By Easter next year, my savings accounts will be brimming, at this rate I need to open new accounts for USD payments and savings bonds.”

~ Jessica Mendes Pelham, MA (Oxon) NGH CHt,
Grey Matter Network Master Hypnotist

Grab Life by the Heart Logo

Continuing Program Series

with Howard Staples


A 2 Day Workshop in Profound Forgiveness
with Howard Staples


A 2 Day Workshop in Appreciative Spiritual Guidance
with Howard Staples

Happy couple holding hands

Attention Couples who want to
tune up their relationships from good to GREAT to MIRACULOUS:

Habits of Highly Inspired Couples

A 4 month program
with Howard Staples and Miriam Evers

Are you READY and WILLING to breakthrough to the deepest level of LOVE and JOY within?

The Call for Love

A 2 day workshop
with Howard Staples and Miriam Evers

Attention Couples and Singles
wanting to tune up their relationship
from good to GREAT to MIRACULOUS:

Partnership of Miracles

A 2 day workshop with
Howard Staples & Miriam Evers

jumpstart the life of your dreamsAttention Entrepreneurs, Pioneers, Visionaries and regular folks
wanting to live a JOY INSPIRED life:

Jumpstart the Life of Your Dreams

A 14 day morning * WEBINAR * series
with Miriam Evers