“Dramatically Increased Cash Flow; Manifested my Dream Home; Deepened Relationships and Lost Weight Effortlessly“
I participated in a 6 month coaching program with Miriam and the process was easy and fun, took little of my time each day, and created life changing results.
My firm set new records for productivity, profitability, and cash flow. (My cash flow was so strong that my business coach thought there might be something wrong with my data tracking!) I worked fewer late nights and weekends than in the prior 5 years in business. I was working less and stressing less.
I manifested a new home I absolutely love at the perfect price I hoped for (but didn’t think was realistic). The process of closing on the house was amazing – completed in record time with lenders and escrow officers working late and bending over backwards to make sure everything went quickly & smoothly.
I also experienced profound intangible benefits, including a deepening and strengthening of my relationship with my 10 year old son.
Near the end of my coaching series, I experienced a complete transformation in my relationship to food – as if a switch inside me flipped. As someone who has struggled with food and weight loss for most of my life, I had previously worked hard in the gym and counting calories to lose 45 lbs, then hit a nearly two year plateau. Without putting much focus or any effort in, all of a sudden, my appetite changed dramatically resulting in me breaking this long-term plateau. I have never had such ease and satisfaction with food while losing weight absolutely effortlessly.
Overall, I have experienced an increased sense of wellbeing, ease, and happiness in my daily life. On my last coaching call, Miriam said to me, “Siobhan, you have cracked the code!” She hit the nail on the head. I feel like I have unlocked the most amazing super power to manifest exactly what I want in my life with ease and joy.
~ B. Siobhan Q. Murphy, Thrive Business Group
(read full testimonial here)
“Got off Antidepressants, Lost Weight, Restored Estranged Family Relationships, Discovered Hidden Talent That is Now a Passion, Mood is Lighter And Life is Easier”
This coaching with Miriam is by far the best thing I ever have done for myself! One doesn’t need a psychiatrist to sort their issues out, they only need to invest some time with a personal coach. Truly! And the value invested is returned 10 fold plus…and it just keeps flowing in…in every way, every day.
With Miriam’s coaching I was able to get myself off anti-depression pills, I lost weight, I have increased self-assurance and am more confident. I’ve discovered a love deeper than I’ve ever experienced and I’ve been able to restore my estranged family relationships. Miriam discovered a hidden talent in me that has turned into a passion. Miriam will direct you in directions that will blow your mind and you’ll have the desire to conquer the world because you can do anything and believe me, you will do everything your heart desires! Enjoy, its worth the ride!
~ Kelly Winkel

“Less Stress, More Joy, More Money, Happier Marriage, Freedom from Pain, Living Truer to My Authentic Self – My Heart is Singing…”
“I’ve been working with Miriam on challenging perceptions of money and debt, and to increase my daily experience of joy.
I started in Miriam’s Dream It. Write It. Live It. 21 Day Webinar Series and continued on with monthly coaching. Results came quickly. By the end of 7 days my stress levels dropped from 9/10 to 2/10 with regards to my father and my husband. By the end of 14 days my stress levels had dropped around my work.
I halved my personal debt from USD 25,000 to USD 12,500 by day 10. By day 21, I had secured work for a further USD 24,200 for the next 90 days from two additional income sources. My aim starting out with Miriam was to absolve my debt, have the all clear before Christmas Day this year (2013). I will have achieved that and put some cash into savings too. I find it effortless and easy to pick up work.
One of the very pleasant ‘side effects’ of doing the joy work, is more days without pain. Pain manifested in my body in many ways before I started working with Miriam. I experienced tension stress headaches, muscle cramps, cricks in my neck and shoulder, paralysing spasms across my back, trapped nerves and nausea. Now, I go days on end without a single twinge of pain. To be free from pain is the best manifestation from my joy work so far. I have fewer sad and down days too, fewer moments of sharp regret and anxiousness as I replay all the silly things I have done and said, and wish I hadn’t.
I live each day with joy and happiness, my heart is singing and full of energy. I feel I am closer to living truer to my authentic self a little more each day.
Miriam is a fantastic joy coach and I highly recommend working with her, both in her group work sessions and her one-on-one sessions. Make the move today, take a leap of faith, and see the path of your dreams unfold delightfully at your feet 🙂
~ Jessica Mendes Pelham, MA (Oxon) NGH CHt,
Grey Matter Network Master Hypnotist
(read full testimonial here)
“Coaching with Miriam has helped me the most”
“Out of all the personal development I have done over the years – what has helped me the most to GROW and SHIFT – was coaching with Miriam Evers. Achieving Gold Director in my company was a direct result of my shift and I am very grateful.”
~ Eva Blais, Bowen Island, BC
“My Mood is lighter and Life is Getting Easier”
“I loved the Dream It, Write It, Live It! course and found Miriam’s teaching to be very encouraging. It’s amazing when we allow ourselves to enjoy our dreams and even better once we see them written out! I absolutely enjoyed the writing. I can’t believe how much joy and laughter comes from the processes. I’ve noticed that I sleep so much better, even deeper! My mood is lighter, my relationships are better, my vibration is higher and my life is getting easier because of the tools I’ve learned from this course. Thank you Miriam for igniting these amazing ideas. I’m telling everyone about it.”
~ Kelly Winkel
“I am living proof that a person can manifest one’s dreams..”
“I very much enjoyed Miriam’s Dream It, Write It, Live It course and became more in touch with some very exciting dreams and joyful possibilities for myself. I live a very chaotic life style and found I was longing for a total decompress. I began to create a wonderful beach setting where the waves and the sand and the glorious sun could slow me down and bring some peace to my inner self.
A few months later, to my great surprise and delight, I was fully treated by the most incredible wonderful person to an all-inclusive, super high-end Mexican holiday in the beautiful Mayan Riviera. I am living proof that a person can manifest one’s dreams. Thank you Miriam. I am so happy to have met you and capture a piece of your joy. You share and spread it wherever you go.”
~ Catherine Stacey
(read full testimonial here)
“After struggling for months in this job, Miriam helped me turn everything around.”
“The results have been amazing!
- My home feels like a sanctuary. I feel an instant calm when I walk through the front door.
- I am sleeping like a baby!
- I have lost 11lbs in 2 weeks – amazing what living stress-free can do to a body!
- One of my co-workers who has at times been difficult with me invited me to her place for dinner on Saturday night.
- Another asked if she could join me on my trip to Europe!
- My weight loss has inspired others and has opened up new dialogue with some peers
- The person who returned from Mat leave (who I am replacing) asked if she could move into my office and boot the other guy out. She likes my work ethic and my attitude
I decided not to be defeated by my working environment. It simply provides a means to an ends and will afford me a pretty awesome European vacation!
Thank you for our last session and for reminding me that I am in control of my life. I am still tossing around the idea of quitting at the end of my contract but in the meantime, I am grateful for where I am.
One day at a time…..and today, I am at happy and at peace.”
~ Tracey O, Vancouver
“More Positive, Self-Confident and Allowing of Others”
“Through my coaching with Miriam, I’ve become more aware that it’s my choice to feel good. I’m not bothered by the things that used to bother me and I don’t worry as much. I do more of what I want to do instead of what I should do. I am more direct and I can say no without feeling guilty. I feel more positive and self-confident. Family relationships have become more easy-going and harmonious. My sister-in-law recently commented that she is enjoying the person I’ve become – more positive, more direct and more allowing of others. I am content. I appreciate the new, more attractive, me.”
~ Alberta Blokland, Retired Teacher
Mighty Money Manifesting!
“So… it’s just past mid-month, and property taxes, two credit cards, various utilities and the phone bill are due, -lots of outflow and not enough left in the monthly account to cover it. In the past I would have been quite agitated at this point, but I have been practicing the tools Miriam taught me to release my fears and lift my mood.
Today especially as I went for my walk/appreciation time, I held onto the thought that I have always had enough money to get through and do what really matters to me. To my great delight, when I got home, there in the mail waiting for me was a cheque from CRA for back Child Benefits owing to me of over $8,000!!!!
Mighty manifesting indeed!! And this is just one example of many. I’m not a master yet, but life sure is a lot more positive than it used to feel. Thank you Miriam for showing me how I can create my life the way I want it to be.”
~ Norine Burgess, Opera Singer
“Miriam blew my skepticism right out of the water…”
“Miriam Evers walks her talk and you can’t help but jump up and walk with her. She is genuine, insightful, and has an infectious humor. Her ability to zero in on the essence of issues, even when you can’t quite articulate them yourself, is uncanny. She blew my scepticism around coaching right out of the water and I would not hesitate to turn to her again and to recommend her to others. We need more ‘Miriams’ in this world.”
~ Susan Toresdahl, Director of College Relations, North Island College
“Worth 100 times what I paid…”
“If I never talk to you again after the first session, it would be worth 100 times what I paid you for three months of coaching.”
~ Kathleen Mongeon, Realtor
“Miriam just saved me $80,000…”
“Coaching with Miriam just saved me $80,000 on my latest project! Her coaching gets me over my blocks and helps me flow to inspired solutions that work. I highly recommend Miriam Evers as a coach if you want to live the joy inspired track to your dreams.”
~ Kim Rink, President, ECO-TEK Ecological Technologies, Inc
“I’m a tough nut…”
“Miriam’s processes and exercises worked for me – and if they worked for me they will work for you. I’m a tough nut to crack as I live largely in my head and am both profoundly resistant and intensely skeptical. Thanks to Miriam I learned that happiness, like love, is a choice – a decision I renew every day and now I live a better, happier and more successful life – every day.”
~ Shira Moir-Smith, Joyful Hound
“I call Miriam because…”
“When I was grieving the loss of a friend, I called Miriam for coaching.
When I wanted to build my business, I called Miriam for coaching.
When I wanted to rise above fear and anxiety, I called Miriam for coaching.
When I wanted to allow more wonderful things into my life, I called Miriam for coaching.
When my best friend wanted a coach, I recommended Miriam.
Miriam’s coaching programs, both her group and individual offerings, are inspiring and uplifting in a way that is uniquely her own. Miriam’s love of life, exuberant energy, and unconditional loving support is something not to be missed. In a nutshell, I pay Miriam to be Miriam, because my life is so much richer and fulfilling and exciting with her as my coach. I know that I can accomplish anything with Miriam coaching me.”
~ Rochelle G., Life Coach, Seattle, WA
“More ease and joy…”
“I got to experience more consistent creating ease and positive results in my life. I got to experience less resistence, less overwhelm and was able to get more done, with less effort and more fun. Life just became more enjoyable.
I highly recommend Miriam’s webinars and coaching to anyone who feels overwhelmed, stuck in their life, or lacking joy. The tools you will learn are simple, easy to apply, and very effective. What makes Miriam’s coaching so effective is her enthusiasm and very evident mastery of all that she shares with her clients. She lives by what she teaches.”
~ Nelie Johnson MD, Awareness Heals
“Transform your ‘stuckness’ into boy oh boy…”
“Miriam, The Joyous Renegade, truly lives in her JOY.
Hop aboard to enjoy the journey, welcome, ahoy!
From her play book, she intuitively hands you a toy,
That transforms your “stuckness” into boy oh boy!
From Miriam’s nurturing you will express your values, from your core.
Transform old patterns and blocks so they will be no more.
Spiritual practice and sacred space will open a new door.
Miriam’s infectious laughter and inspiration will make you soar!”
“You can be happy no matter what…”
“I learned from the book “You Can Be Happy No Matter What” that I shouldn’t dwell on negative thoughts, which is very good advice, but my coaching with Miriam has taught me exactly how to do that.”
~ L. Ducharme, Calgary, AB
“Like a chiropractic adjustment for my mind…”
“It’s amazing how much better I feel after a coaching session with Miriam. It’s like having a chiropractic adjustment for my mind. Every time I speak with her I always have at least one, sometimes as many as five “A-HAs”. These are priceless.”
~ W. Mason Preddy, CEO White Brights Teeth Whitening Boutiques