Would You Rather Be Unhappy or Happy?
Would you rather be right or happy? So much of our focus that makes us unhappy is based in the past, the future, or all of our rigid beliefs about people.
Here are my top ten favorites for what happy people do instead:
1. Allowing rather than Resisting.
So much of what we resist against is beyond our immediate control and it just serves to keep us stuck in a pattern of struggle. What we resist persists. Making peace with what is means that we are free to flow our eager energy towards an even better future.
2. Trusting rather than Doubting.
Trust yourself and trust that you are on the right path. Everything does work together for our greater good. As we look back through times that seemed like struggles, we realize our strengths when we realize that even challenges have served us.
3. Appreciating rather than Criticizing / Judging.
Criticism or judgment of others is a reflection of the deeper critical or judging way we treat ourselves. Appreciation, on the other hand, builds value.
4. Empowering self and others in balance rather than Overpowering or Being Intimidated. Win-win is still a very rewarding game, even when another party plays win-lose or lose-lose.
5. Engaging and Flowing in the Now rather than Defending against grievances of the past or Controlling against fears of the future.
The defense, grievance or control actually serves to keep the same undesired pattern active in your life. In the Now there is a vast world of wonder and refreshing relationships.
6. Rising higher than appropriate challenges rather than constantly focused on a multitude of unsolvable problems.
What challenge am I ready and willing to step up into today? There seem to be so many problems in the world that are overwhelming. Yet when you know your own strength, and take one step at a time, soon that hurdle is past and it feels good in each step.
7. Taking Healthy Responsibility for the creating one’s own experience rather than Blaming Others or Taking on Burdens that are beyond one’s control.
Truly, you are responsible for your own experience. You are not responsible to change others, so do not focus on the characteristics that you don’t want. Instead get clear on the positive experiences that you do want and make very specific, realistic requests that are enriching.
8. Keep Dreaming and stepping into Dreams rather than Giving Up.
Dreams can manifest in many different, miraculous ways with an optimistic attitude.
9. Changing beliefs with some flexibility rather than being “right” or rigid, while still maintaining clarity of the truer values within.
Rigidness about the physical world and “the way things are” reflects a mind that keeps its experience quite limited. On the other hand, a clarity and consistency of the love, joy and harmony that you bring into the world, will help you bring these qualities into many, diverse circumstances.
10. Loving rather than Fearing/Worrying.
Indeed, loving defeats fear.
Have you got any to add to this list? Please share in the comments below.
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