
My 30 Intentions for Today — 9 Comments

  1. Hi Miriam,

    I love your website!
    Your list of positive intentions is brilliant.
    Thank you for your inspirational and empowering messages.

    April xo

  2. Miriam – I always enjoy getting your emails. They are postive, uplifting and a real inspiration.
    And I want to thank you for being so generous with your time. I love all your info. Keep on sharing.
    With much appreciation

  3. Wow. Thanks Mir! I love those intentions. I was getting more and more excited the more I read! I love your website! It makes me feel good!

  4. What a great post Miriam. What I love about writing these things down is that they give them even more power !! Love the look of your blog too, it has a warm, caring feeling to it. Joanie

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