
Moving On — 3 Comments

  1. Hey, I think plenty of congratulations are still in order 🙂

  2. Thanks Amanda! We are proud of how far we’ve come. 🙂

  3. Hi Miriam! I really admire what you and Howard have accomplished with the book… You rose to the occasion… and very well, as far as I’m concerned. Even beyond the words you used in your book, to convey your message, your delicious, joyful faces & demeanor speaks radiant volumes. I can only see success in such joy. If you choose to pursue this in other ways, I know the right publisher, the right way, the right time, the right people are part of the Intelligence and ever-unfolding light of Source Energy, and will show up at the right time :-). Thank you for the light you bring. I still feel it after meeting you that lovely afternoon.

    Namaste, Wendy

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