
Deliberate Creation of a Dream Neighbourhood — 5 Comments

  1. Miriam, it’s stories like yours that make it all worthwhile. It was amazing to attend the North American Cohousing Conference in Seattle in June 2009 and hear of all the cohousing communities across North America that are now celebrating 10, 15, 17 years after moving in.

    Katie McCamant
    Cohousing Architect and Project Manager

  2. Katie, I have so many wonderful memories of your visits here to help us design our site layout, prioritize common facilities, and inspire us with your wisdom of seeing cohousing in action! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  3. Wow – the “burning souls” of Windsong! You’re a group I have looked to for inspiration for quite some time! I have been trying, on-and-off-and-on again to inspire a cohousing group in my neck of the woods in Ontario for over a decade now, and am just about to make my final grand push before giving up and living the solitary lifestyle. Any suggestions?

  4. Thanks Chris! You can create what you want using your imagination and the power of your feelings. Imagine already living in the community you want to live in. What does it feel like? What kinds of activities go on? What are the relationships between people like? What do you like most? Imagine scenes in your mind and feel good as you imagine them. Amplify the positive feelings. As long as you feel good when you think about living in a cohousing community, you are attracting the creation of it. When you get discouraged or otherwise not feeling good about it, you are pushing the creation of it away. More about this in other posts on this blog about deliberate creation.

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