B Siobhan Q. Murphy testimonial“Dramatically Increased  Cash Flow; Manifested my Dream Home; Deepened Relationships  and Lost Weight Effortlessly“

I participated in a 6 month coaching program with Miriam and I am blown away by the results.

As a business owner, mother & wife, my life is very busy. I was concerned that the process would take too much time away from my work or not yield enough results to make it worth the investment of time and money. But, I could not have been more wrong! The process was easy & fun, took little of my time each day, and created life changing results.

I saw a dramatic increase in my business – my firm set new records for productivity, profitability, and cash flow. (My cash flow was so strong that my business coach thought there might be something wrong with my data tracking!) I worked fewer late nights and weekends than in the prior 5 years in business. I don’t know how such quick & easy processes could create such profound results in my business – while working less and stressing less. It feels like the most fun magic unfolding in my business.

I also manifested money from surprising & unexpected sources. From little delights such as over $100 from a consignment shop that I had forgotten I had provided items to – to significant windfalls such as the $9,800 check that showed up as a result of a forgotten class action lawsuit a year prior.

During this time, my spouse & I decided to buy a new house to move into. I manifested a new home I absolutely love at the perfect price I hoped for (but didn’t think was realistic). The process of closing on the house was amazing – completed in record time with lenders and escrow officers working late and bending over backwards to make sure everything went quickly & smoothly.

Not all of my results were financial or tangible. I also experienced profound intangible benefits. During my coaching, my son turned 10 and hit the “tween” years big time. I faced a new world of his emotional roller coaster, hair-trigger temper, and a new kind of rude. Miriam suggested a few very simple and gentle processes for me to practice on my own that resulted in a dramatic gentling of my son’s “tween behavior.”  In the midst of our busy morning routine, time seemed to open up in the morning during which he and I connect closely. He has since expressed a desire to do more household chores (and is doing them), expresses frequent affection with me & our other family members, and has more genuine conversations with me. We are enjoying a deepening and strengthening of our relationship.

Near the end of my coaching series, I experienced a complete transformation in my relationship to food – as if a switch inside me flipped. As someone who has struggled with food and weight loss for most of my life, I had previously worked hard in the gym and counting calories to lose 45 lbs, then hit a nearly two year plateau. Without putting much focus or any effort in, all of a sudden, my appetite changed dramatically resulting in me breaking this long-term plateau. I have never had such ease and satisfaction with food while losing weight absolutely effortlessly.

Overall, I have experienced an increased sense of wellbeing, ease, and happiness in my daily life. On my last coaching call, Miriam said to me, “Siobhan, you have cracked the code!” She hit the nail on the head. I feel like I have unlocked the most amazing super power to manifest exactly what I want in my life with ease and joy.

~ Siobhan Murphy, Thrive Business Group